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May contain: city, road, street, urban, face, head, person, photography, portrait, child, female, girl, people, clothing, pants, machine, wheel, footwear, shoe, baseball cap, cap, and hat

Strategic Plan: In July of 2005, the Fire District completed the process of developing a Customer Centered Strategic Plan. The planning process was conducted

in a manner intended to assure a blend of both community and organizational participation. The process concentrated on community needs, and was driven by the central theme of: “What is in the best interest of the citizens served?” Unlike traditional planning processes, the process was designed to focus on internal and external customers, evaluate needs, and identify issues from the citizen up rather than from the mission statement down.

This plan was updated in 2012.

The Fire District maintains a Strategic Plan for the express purpose of:

  • Establishing the Organization's strategic level goals;
  • Providing a means to convey those goals to the community;
  • Establishing a basis for tracking progress; and to
  • Guide the identification of resource requirements.


May contain: people, person, helmet, adult, male, man, accessories, bag, handbag, clothing, and hardhat

Training Program Enhancement Plan: The Fire District recognizes the correlation between quality service and competent performance. Competent performance is essential if emergency responders are to effectively serve the community in a safe and efficient manner. Based on this, the District recognizes the value and importance of maintaining a cadre of highly trained and competent emergency responders. In 2014 the District adopted a Training Program Enhancement Plan to provide a long-range roadmap for enhancing its training programs.

Serving as an extension of the District's Strategic Plan, the Training Plan is intended to compliment the Strategic Plan by loosely serving as a companion document. The Training Plan establishes a series of operational level goals and objectives meant to guide the District's day-to-day management of Training Division activities. In its application, the Training Plan is intended to link the District's broad strategic goals to the tactical goals and objectives needed to guide day-to-day training activities and to further enhance training program effectiveness.

May contain: transportation and vehicle
Training Program Enhancement Plan.pdf

Service Delivery Objectives: Fire departments within Washington State are both empowered and ultimately governed by requirements established by the State’s Legislature using a series of statues contained within the Revised Code of Washington (RCW). This includes RCW 52.33, Fire Departments – Performance Measures, which stipulates that fire departments establish a series of response objectives.

These response objectives are intended to:

  1. define the type of services the fire department will provide;
  2. establish service delivery objectives;
  3. establish a series of performance metrics for the purpose of measuring service level success.

Fire departments are required to evaluate annually, their level of service, resource deployment effectiveness, and achievement of response time objectives.

RCW 52.33: Fire Department Performance Measures

Service Delivery Objectives.pdf
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